RadiantQ jQuery Gantt Package
IE 8 Support
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IE 8 Support

Though a very old version with not sufficient support for latest HTML and JS features, owing to it's sufficiently large install base, we have extended our widgets to include support for this browser. One key challenge in supporting IE 8 is it's inability to support property extenders for objects. So, we have provided method variants for our properties which you can access with a "_M" prefix.

For example, here are some properties in our APIs that work with the later browsers:

    var seletcetActivityView = ganttControl.SelectedItem;

    var seletcetIndex = ganttControl.SelectedIndex;

    var zeroTimeSpan = RQTimeSpan.Zero

    var startTime = activity.StartTime;

    var endTime = activity.EndTime;

The above is not compatible with IE8. You should instead use these APIs to create an IE8 compatible application:

    var seletcetActivityView = ganttControl.SelectedItem_M();

    var seletcetIndex = ganttControl.SelectedIndex_M();

    var zeroTimeSpan = RQTimeSpan.Zero_M();

    var startTime = activity.StartTime_M();

    var endTime = activity.EndTime_M();

We have used the above approach in all our samples in our install to make them IE8 compatible. You can either choose to use the property based API or the method based API depending on whether or not you want to support IE8.

NOTE: When running in IE 8, you will see a console warning like this: "It appears that the gantt is loaded in a IE browser version earlier than IE9. Some features are not supported in earlier than IE9. Or you might be running IE 9+ in Compatibility View mode, which is also not supported by the gantt." This is a warning message for developers. The unsupported features are listed below.

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